Vulcanex Engineering Data

Click Here for a Printable version of the Vulcanex Data Sheet (pdf file, 38 kb). You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

The information below is believed to be accurate and reliable. Oliner Fibre Co., Inc. assumes no responsibility for end-use applications and no performance warranty is expressed or implied. Values shown are typical, are not guaranteed, nor to be used for specifications without approval.

Properties Thickness
Units Commercial Electrical
Density .062″ grams/cm3 1.20 1.20
Specific Volume .062″ in3/lb 23.0 23.0


Tensile Strength MD .062″ psi 16,000 18,000
CD .062″ psi 9,000 10,000
Modulus of Elasticity in Tension MD .062″ psi
x 105
12.0 12.0
CD .062″ psi
x 105
8.0 8.0
Flexural Strength MD .062″ psi 15,000 15,000
CD .062″ psi 13,000 13,000
Compressive Strength .062″ psi 35,000 35,000
Impact Strength, Izod Edgewise MD .062″ ft-lbs/in.
2.0 2.5
CD .062″ ft-lbs/in.
1.8 2.0
Hardness, Rockwell R Scale .062″ Divisions 80 70
Bond Strength, ASTM D-952 .062″ psi 900 900
Bursting Strength, Mullen .016″ psi 325
Tear Strength, Elmendorf MD .016″ grams 550
CD .016″ grams 700


Dielectric Strength, Short Time .016″ volts/mil 230 300
.062″ volts/mil 200 215
.125″ volts/mil 195 200
Arc Resistance, ASTM D-495 .062″ seconds 80 125


Thermal Conductivity, 149° F Btu/hr/ft2/°F/ft. .168 .168
Specific Heat Btu/lb/°F .403 .403
Heat Resistance, Continuous °F 230
– 240
– 240
Thermal Expansion x 10-5 MD in/in/°F 1.1 1.1
CD in/in/°F 1.7 1.7
Dimensional Change per % change in Moisture Content Thick. % 1.00 1.00
MD % 0.10 0.10
CD % 0.25 0.25
Water Absorption, 24 hours .062″ % 66.0 63.0
Coefficient of Friction, Fibre on Fibre 0.16 0.16
Coefficient of Friction, Fibre on Smooth Cast Iron 0.21 0.21
Flammability, ASTM D-635 .062″ in/min 0.5 0.5